CRIMES et CHATIMENTS Oeil Public #2 – Various photographers *


Published by Jean di Sciullo – 2002 – France

15 x 21 cm – 136 pages – Soft cover

First edition – Condition: near mint.

French language

Stamped with Stephen Bessac initial.

The second issue of Revue Œil Public dives into the theme of “Crime and Punishment,” a nod to Dostoevsky’s classic novel. It’s all about exploring how violence is represented. With it getting harder and harder for photographers to access conflict zones, the big question is: how do you capture the horror without pushing readers away and making them disengage from understanding the conflict?

Photographers : Karim BEN KHELIFA, Jean François JOLY, Philippe BRAULT, Frédéric SAUTEREAU, Guillaume HERBAUT, Michael ZUMSTEIN
Essays : Michel POIVERT, Abha DAWESAR, Jérôme CHARYN, Anna LEBEDEVA

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