
Published by IMHO – 2011 – France

14,7 X 21 cm – 160 pages in white, blue and red – Soft cover

French language

Between Tod Browning’s Freaks and Hans Bellmer’s disarticulated dolls, Suehiro Maruo explores the twists and turns of the turbulent life of Midori, an orphan adopted by the boss of a circus of deformed monsters. Naughty asshole, penguin, and perverse juggler redouble their imagination and try by all means to torment the young girl with great reinforcements of punishments of a subtle cruelty.

Entre Freaks de Tod Browning et les poupées désarticulées de Hans Bellmer, Suehiro Maruo explore les méandres de la vie agitée de Midori, orpheline adoptée par le patron d’un cirque de monstres difformes. Cul de jatte vicelard, manchot tricard, et jongleuse perverse redoublent d’imagination et tentent par tous les moyens de tourmenter la jeune fille à grands renforts de punitions d’une subtile cruauté.

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